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Getting Back to Princess

Is it just me or does it feel like the term “self-care” has become so cliché? It’s so much more than bubble baths, spa days, and getting mani-pedis. This year, I’ve been focusing on what truly makes me happy. It certainly has been a journey. Sometimes, as women, we can be so wrapped up in motherhood that we neglect the simple things we did for ourselves before having children. Sometimes, this feeling of guilt comes if you’re not giving your kids all your undivided attention or activities that revolve around them.

I’ve rediscovered my love for reading novels, listening to my choice of music (not Gracie’s Corner, Bluey, Mickey Mouse, 24/7 LOL!), watching classic movies, sitcoms, and even the cartoons that I loved as a kid. Among these activities, reading is my absolute favorite. As a kid, I’ve always loved reading, but later, lost the passion of reading for pleasure in my adult life. Honey, those days are long gone. The little bookish girl I once knew has reappeared and she’s back with a vengeance and I’m so here for it! I've been reading my butt off -- I don't plan on stopping anytime soon. LOL!

I find so much joy in getting lost in a compelling novel. I’m literally obsessed with books and bookstores. Lately, I’ve been reading romance, thrillers, and historical fiction. I’ve discovered my favorite author – Kennedy Ryan and even had the pleasure of meeting her (which I'll tell ya'll all about later)!

Since I’ve rediscovered these things by incorporating them into daily life, I’ve noticed a boost in my mood, which makes me less irritable, making me an even happier wife and mother. It’s eye-opening how making the time for simple tasks for your personal enjoyment can affect you.

Today, I encourage you to spend at least 30 minutes doing something that you enjoy. If you’re not sure where to start, think about the simple things that once brought you joy as a kid like drawing, coloring, etc. and notice how you feel afterward. Get back to YOU!

Wishing you love and light always!

- Princess


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