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The House of Eve by Sadeqa Johnson

Rating: 5 out of 5 Stars

This book tells the story of two young Black women, Eleanor and Ruby, that are striving to do everything they can to create a better life for themselves all while encountering obstacles and making sacrifices to do so.

This was the first historical fiction novel that I’ve read after delving back into my love of reading. Let me tell you one thing – Ms. Johnson did NOT disappoint! This novel is so beautifully written. The writing is impeccable! She took me on an emotional journey while reading, and I love that. I felt happy, angry, sad, and more while reading this novel. I did not want it to end.

Although, this novel is historical fiction, it is based off real events during the 1940s and 50s. The author made me feel as if I was with each of the characters as their story unfolded. My heart broke and rejoiced for both Eleanor and Ruby. As a Black woman, of course, we’re taught that Black people didn’t, and still don’t have equal rights as our counterparts in the US. However, reading a novel that takes a deep dive into what it was actually like for Black women during that timeframe hit me differently.

Reading this novel shifted my perspective of my elders and I began to understand some of them a whole lot more – why some of our Black elderly women are so reserved, stern, because during those times you had to be! The levels of trauma that we as Black people have experienced is indescribable – so much so that talking about certain experiences can and will uncover excruciating pain.

This novel can be triggering, but is indeed a great read and a page-turner, for sure!


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