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The Many Dates of Indigo

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

This contemporary romance was a very interesting book! I really enjoyed it. The author does a good job of capturing today’s dating scene and highlighting the main character, Indigo’s, constant fight with overcoming society’s expectations. There are limitless pressures on women from society and even the ones closest to us (although some may mean well) to have a significant other, become married at a certain age, to have children at a certain time, to work specific jobs, not to work in certain industries – the list is beyond extensive! On top of hearing so many comments about these things, constantly watching people’s lives on social media can be so depressing. You begin to question yourself – Am I behind on this? Should I be doing something else with my life? As you read Indigo’s story, you learn that sometimes the things that you’re looking for are right in front you.


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